Once Upon a Time Wiki

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
window.MessageBlock = {
  title : 'Block',
  message : 'You have been blocked for $2 because you have $1.'

    type: "script",
    articles: [

// Alert contributors when they are editing with their bot flag set
if (mediaWiki.config.get("wgAction") == "edit" && mediaWiki.config.get("wgUserGroups").indexOf("bot") != -1){
   $("#EditPageHeader").after('<div id="botWarning" style="background-color: darkred; color:silver; display:block; padding: 5px 0; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%">NOTE: You are currently editing with your bot flag set!!</div>');

/* Standard edit summaries
 * jQuery version of Sikon's fillEditSummaries
 * @author Grunny - taken from Wookieepedia */
function fillEditSummaries() {
	if ( !$( '#wpSummaryLabel' ).length ) {
	$.get( mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ), { title: 'Template:Stdsummaries', action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' } ).done( function( data ) {
		var	$summaryOptionsList,
			$summaryLabel = $( '#wpSummaryLabel' ),
			lines = data.split( '\n' ),
			$wrapper = $( '<div>').addClass( 'edit-widemode-hide' ).text( 'Standard summaries: ' );
		$summaryOptionsList = $( '<select />' ).attr( 'id', 'stdEditSummaries' ).change( function() {
			var editSummary = $( this ).val();
			if ( editSummary !== '' ) {
				$( '#wpSummary' ).val( editSummary );
		} );
		for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
			var editSummaryText = ( lines[i].indexOf( '-- ' ) === 0 ) ? lines[i].substring(3) : '';
			$summaryOptionsList.append( $( '<option>' ).val( editSummaryText ).text( lines[i] ) );
		$summaryLabel.prepend( $wrapper.append( $summaryOptionsList ) );
	} );